说唱歌手 XXXTentacion 曾于直播谈论「死亡」话题-领酷娱乐网

说唱歌手 XXXTentacion 曾于直播谈论「死亡」话题

说唱歌手 XXXTentacion 曾于直播谈论「死亡」话题

年仅 20 岁的说唱歌手 XXXTentacion 于昨日意外遭枪击身亡之消息震惊全球,根据《TMZ》报导,警方透露嫌犯行凶时身穿黑色 Hoodie 与头戴「红色面具」,基于这两大线索不少人直指 Soldier Kidd & Soldier Jojo 两位说唱歌手为最大嫌疑犯,而两人也亲自于网络澄清。

今日,网络公布一段 XXXTentacion 于 2017 年 12 月的某次直播片段,他讨论了关于「死亡」的话题,言语间他假设自己不幸过世,他仍希望未来的孩子们清楚了解他努力传达的讯息,并吸收转化为自身能量。他不屑有关他的骂名,他了解自己心中的最终目标,也很谢谢喜爱他的人们,希望大家别被不好的情绪所占据与影响,强调自身的想法最为重要,尽管做梦并实践它。

“If worse thing comes to worst, and I f—ing die or some s— and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life” the rapper can be heard saying. “If I’m going to die or ever be a sacrifice, I want to make sure that my life made at least five million kids happy or they found some sort of answers or resolve in my life regardless of the negative around my name, regardless of the bad things people say to me. I don’t give a f–k because I know my goal in the end and I know what I want for everyone and I know what my message is. I just wanted to say, I appreciate and love all of you and I believe in you all.” He would conclude the Instagram Live session with these final words. “Do not let your depression make you, do not let your body define your soul, let your soul find your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have the strength.”
