VLONE 主理人 A$AP Bari 就性丑闻事件发表官方声明-领酷娱乐网

VLONE 主理人 A$AP Bari 就性丑闻事件发表官方声明

VLONE 主理人 A$AP Bari 就性丑闻事件发表官方声明

昨日一段 A$AP Bari 性丑闻影片的流出在网络上闹得沸沸扬扬。这段影片最初由 Instagram 用户 @soledout 上传并迅速传播至 Reddit 与 KanyeToThe.com 在内的多个平台,于当中 A$AP Bari 及其友人试图对一名全裸女子进行性侵犯,而 Ian Connor 幸灾乐祸的加入以及疑似片中女子的现身发言更是雪上加霜,为这位当红街头品牌 VLONE 的主理人招来强烈的骂声。即便 Bari 在昨日已在 Twitter 上否定这段影片的真实性,但从刚刚发表的声明中,他却又承认了这一事件:

A misleading video clip featuring adult content and activity has been released to the public without my knowledge or consent.

Comments about myself or anyone being detained or arrested are false. We have resolved this issue amicably among all parties as adults. We were friends before this and will remain friends afterwards

Being raised by strong women who taught me to respect everyone, I’m disappointed in the situation as well as myself and will reflect on the situation appropriately.

A$AP Bari 在声明中否认遭到警方逮捕的传闻,并表示事件双方已达成和解,友谊不变。此外,「作为一个由坚强女性抚养长大的人」,他对自己以及这一局面感到失望,并将对此进行反思。
TAG:娱乐 | 娱乐 | A$Ap Bari | VLONE |
